Tattoo After Care Instructions
You were tattooed in a modern studio with sterilized instruments and pigment. The long-term appearance of your tattoo is dependent on the care it receives in the next few days. Following these instructions will ensure that it heals quickly and remains attractive.
Tegaderm holds in the body’s natural moisture and healing enzymes, allowing the body to heal itself in the most efficient manner possible. After skin has been injured, healing elements are produced to help break down dead tissue and rebuild new tissue.
Under normal circumstances, these healing elements dry up and evaporate which reduces their effectiveness. When this happens, longer healing times are required and scabbing and scarring occur. Tegaderm locks in these healing elements and allows the skin to continue to function as normal because the bandage is permeable to oxygen and water vapor (breathable).
In addition, Tegaderm protects against dirt and germs while eliminating friction and other irritations that might further interfere with the healing process.
You will leave your Tegaderm on for 3-5 days, depending on your artist’s recommendation. Tegaderm is great for tattoos because it is low-maintenance and can reduce healing time. It is water-resistant, so you can shower with it on, but try to keep it out of the water as much as possible and keep soaps/body products away from it.
It is normal for the Tegaderm to fill with plasma tinted black/brown by the ink. Be sure to keep an eye on your Tegaderm to make sure nothing gets trapped beneath it. If the fluid starts to leak out of the bandage or a foreign substance does get trapped under it, carefully remove the bandage, wash your tattoo, and begin your regular aftercare.
Be sure to keep your new tattoo out of direct sunlight and dirty environments, including the beech. Do not submerge your new tattoo underwater until it is fully healed (2-3 weeks). Completely avoid swimming pools, hot tubs, tanning beds, saunas, oceans, and lakes.
You will want to carefully remove the Tegaderm in the shower. Be sure to slowly roll or pull it away from your skin; DO NOT rip it off like a Band-Aid. Carefully clean the tattoo with a mild unscented antibacterial soap like Dial Clear, or Dr. Bronner’s baby castile soap if you have sensitive skin. Follow up with a light layer of lotion or tattoo aftercare as recommended by your artist.
After you’ve removed the Tegaderm and cleaned your new tattoo, it should be mostly healed. The tattoo will begin to peel within the next couple days. Do not re-bandage the tattoo. Do not pick or scratch at the tattoo. You will want to wash it 1-2x a day and keep it moisturized with a non-scented tattoo aftercare product as recommended by your artist until it is fully healed. Once healed, be sure to always apply SPF while in the sun to prevent fading.
After approximately 2 to 4 hours, carefully remove the bandage your artist applied. If you notice the bandage has dried to the tattoo, simply wet the bandage with lukewarm water and remove it slowly.
Gently wash your new tattoo with warm water and a mild unscented antibacterial soap such as Dial Clear. Do not scrub with a wash towel or luffa - gently wash the tattoo with your clean fingertips. Make sure to gently wash away the blood and plasma. Pat dry with a clean paper towel or allow the tattoo to air dry for 30 minutes before applying ointment as recommended by your artist. Do this for the first 2 days before permanently switching to the recommended lotion. You will do this 3-5 times a day as your tattoo heals.
Be sure to keep your new tattoo out of direct sunlight and dirty environments. This includes the beach. Do not submerge your new tattoo underwater until it is fully healed (2-3 weeks). Completely avoid swimming in pools, hot tubs, oceans, and lakes.
Apply thin layers of tattoo aftercare lotion as recommended by your artist to your clean tattoo regularly throughout the day, keeping the tattoo moist but not smothered.
Be sure to remain persistent in your aftercare, especially during the first few days. Your tattoo will leak fluid, which is normal. Be sure to use your unscented antibacterial soap to gently wash away the fluids. How often you clean your new tattoo depends on your lifestyle. Use your best judgment, but do not overdo it. Excessive washing can lead to dry skin and irritation and excessive moisturizing can increase the risk of infection.
Be sure to keep your new tattoo out of direct sunlight and dirty environments, including the beech. Do not submerge your new tattoo underwater until it is fully healed (2-3 weeks). Completely avoid swimming pools, hot tubs, tanning beds, saunas, oceans, and lakes.
Do not re-bandage the tattoo. Keep it clean with loose clothing over the new tattoo.
When your tattoo starts to peel (this could take 3 days - 1 week) The peeling will begin to flake like a sunburn, do not pick or scratch at it or it will pull the pigment out and cause patchiness/scarring. You will want to wash it 1-2x a day with an unscented undyed antimicrobial or antibacterial soap like Dial Clear or Dial Gold and keep it moisturized with a non-scented lotion (like Lubriderm Daily Moisture or Palmer’s Cocoa Butter formula body lotion) or a tattoo aftercare product recommended by your artist until it is fully healed. Once healed, be sure to always apply SPF while in the sun to prevent fading.